Sustainability of Ship Healthcare Group
Value Creation Map
Aiming for a Sustainable Society through “Creating Environments for Medical Professionals”
Co-Creating Value with Stakeholders
Identifying Materiality (Key Issues)
Value Creation Map

Aiming for a Sustainable Society through “Creating Environments for Medical Professionals”
Basic Sustainability Approach
SHIP HEALTHCARE Group is committed to solving challenges and creating new value as a partner to its stakeholders, rooted in the “SHIP” philosophy and the Group's mission.
As innovators in medical, healthcare, welfare, nursing, and services, SHIP HEALTHCARE Group has continuously provided new value. This growth has been supported by our commitment to being a “Your Company” since our founding and our constant pursuit of innovation. Amid the emergence of global societal challenges, the Group is strengthening its business model while actively advancing ESG and SDGs initiatives to ensure its sustainable growth and contribute to a sustainable society.
Co-Creating Value with Stakeholders

Customers and Business Partners
We promote sincere business activities under the “SHIP” philosophy, ensuring fair transactions by adhering to various laws and regulations. We strive to co-create new value with all customers and business partners, upholding a spirit of partnership.
Communication Opportunities:
- Daily hospital operations support and sales activities
- Healthcare industry networking events and joint research initiatives
- Participation in medical conferences, symposiums, and exhibitions
- Procurement policy briefing sessions, etc.

Local Communities and Municipalities
Through collaboration with local governments and industry groups, we engage in environmental protection and revitalization activities, aiming to realize a “Well-Being” society where people can lead better lives.
Communication Opportunities:
- Public-private partnership projects
- Social contribution activities
- Hosting regional events
- Supporting community welfare, etc.

Group Employees
We share the Group's philosophy and mission with all employees, fostering a culture of transparency and openness while providing meaningful work environments that encourage innovation.
Communication Opportunities:
- Training on the Group’s philosophy
- Various talent development programs
- Dialogue within departments
- Performance management systems, etc.

Shareholders and Investors
We strive for timely and appropriate information disclosure and constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors. By fostering understanding and empathy for our business and incorporating external feedback, we aim to enhance corporate value further.
Communication Opportunities:
- Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
- Online information dissemination
- Financial results briefings
- One-on-one meetings with institutional investors
- Participation in IR events, etc.
Under the “SHIP” philosophy and the spirit of “Shi-sei Soku-datsu” (sincerity and compassion), SHIP HEALTHCARE Group embraces SDGs Goal 17: “Partnerships for the Goals” as a fundamental stance. As a leading healthcare company, we contribute significantly to SDGs Goal 3: “Good Health and Well-Being.”
By practicing “Creating Environments for medical Professionals,” we also contribute to other SDGs Goals through a variety of initiatives.

The Key Focus Area

The Core Goal

Identifying Materiality (Key Issues)
As a comprehensive producer in the healthcare sector, SHIP HEALTHCARE Group has identified key issues to address, ensuring the Group’s long-term growth, the pursuit of corporate value, and the realization of a sustainable society.
Identification Process:
Under the supervision of the president, a project team from the Corporate Planning and Management Divisions was formed to identify societal issues relevant to the Group.
Shared issues with managers across business divisions to assess the validity and prioritize items with higher importance.
Reported to the management committee and discussed at the Board of Directors, where materiality was formally identified.

List of Material Issues: