Message from the Chairman

Continuing to Uphold Integrity for a Better Life
Cherishing the Importance of Life




In the management of SHIP HEALTHCARE Group, the most important value I hold here is respect for the sanctity of life. Having lost my parents at a young age, I feel a profound attachment to the value of life, perhaps more so than others. Our work has always been aligned with the mission of protecting irreplaceable lives, and this commitment will never change.
The philosophy behind “SHIP” emerged during night-after-night discussions with colleagues about what kind of company we wanted to create. The acronym represents Sincere (a sincere heart), Humanity (a compassionate spirit), Innovation (a pioneering mindset), and Partnership (a spirit of collaboration). Additionally, it evokes the image of a ship (SHIP) courageously setting sail amidst turbulent waters. My childhood was exposed to my parents’ teachings, including Yamada Houkoku's philosophy of “Shi-Sei Soku-Datsu” (absolute sincerity and deep empathy) and it also influences this guiding principle.
Whenever I have faced uncertainty, I have always returned to this “principle-driven philosophy” to inform my decisions as a leader. Of course, I recognize my limitations as an individual and deeply value overcoming challenges together with “my colleagues.”

Having spent 60 years in Japan's healthcare industry, I have closely observed its transformations. Few have witnessed industry’s evolution as I have over this extended period. Reflecting on this journey brings me great satisfaction. While medical technology has advanced significantly during these decades, there have also been many mistakes along the way. Japan continues to face the challenges of an accelerating aging population and a declining birthrate. To create a better future for the next generation, we must teach children the importance of “living rightly.” Achieving this requires changes not only in businesses but also in governments, politics, and society.

To contribute to societal betterment, our group must remain an essential presence in the world. For this, it is crucial to unify the hearts of our employees. While I sometimes adopt a strict tone, I always approach my employees with genuine affection. Recently, I have been advocating the importance of incorporating GCP (Governance, Compliance, and Portfolio) into our operations. It is vital to respect regulations, make sound decisions, and remain fully aware of what we can do through our business to make a positive impact.
Above all, I am committed to doing everything I can to “protect lives.” This commitment extends beyond healthcare to initiatives such as the development of parks that are essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. Upholding sincerity in all endeavors, I will continue to strive for the Well-Being of people and society.

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