With the future of the healthcare

SHIP HEALTHCARE Group supports medical professionals by making advanced medical environment.





Creating environments for medical professionals

As we seek to be Your Company for our customers, by thinking and acting based on the perspectives of those with whom we work and serve, we keep the spirit of gratitude in mind at all times. It’s the presence of partners who trust each other that has made it possible to date to accumulate our track record in the fields of Medicine, Health, Welfare, Nursing care, and Services. This spirit of gratitude and the SHIP philosophy adopted at our founding serve as vital requirements we have always considered of the utmost importance. Together with other members of the SHIP Healthcare group who share the same spirit, we will continue to help create environments for medical professionals.



Shi-Sei Soku-Datsu

Shi-Sei Soku-Datsu

Coined by Yamada Houkoku, who saved the Bichu Matsuyama clan from a financial crisis and reformed the clan system at the end of the Edo Period, while speaking to Kawai Tsugunosuke, the phrase Shi Sei Soku Datsu evokes sincerity (“ShiーSei”) and sorrow (“SokuーDatsu”). emotions central to human existence reflected in the SHIP Healthcare group' s basic approach.


Sincerity and sorrow

We aimed for “a company which treats philosophy as identity” when we established our company. It’s based on “Shi Sei Soku Datsu”, which Yamada Houkoku explained, who reformed the political system of Bichu Matsuyama at the end of the Edo Period. We can be kind to others with sincerity and sorrow. We understand others who are in need and make new solutions with them. These spirits are resource of our growth.

First thinking without saying NO

It’s easy to find reasons for doing nothing. Thinking thoroughly and making efforts lead to variety of possibility. Supporters will come up by making efforts for No to Yes. We bring up human resources in the long term who can attract people to achieve goals.

Tackling with things and understanding what is needed

“Justice” and “Profit” are only on sites. -We continue to have field first principle thoroughly. New issues come up every day. Only people who tackle with everything and understand what is needed can survive in the environment where no compromise is permitted. We bear these in our mind and continue to tackle with self reform.

Trust and respect. Sharing philosophy
Trust and respect. Sharing philosophy

Variety of knowhow are needed in our group in these days. However, we don’t do M&A without philosophy. This is because cooperating as partners, respecting and understanding mutual differences, and growing up with each other are the shortcut to the achievement of our mission.

Trust and respect. Sharing philosophy


Sustainable growth aiming for net sales of 1 trillion yen by “business growth” and “strategic and aggressive M&A”

SHIP HEALTHCARE Group continues to expand as a company which specializes in the fields of “Medicine”, “Health”, “Welfare”, “Nursing care”, and “Services” since founded in 1992. We seek not only the growth of our business but also continue to achieve sustainable growth for net sales of 1 trillions yen with companies who understand our philosophy and being partners after M&A.

net sales bar chart

Differentiation by our capabilities of “Consulting and Producing”, towards high value-added group

Japanese medical industry has variety of issue such as the increase of social medical expenses and of burden of medical professionals.
SHIP HEALTHCARE Group solves issues by our capabilities of “Consulting and Producing”, which utilize the capabilities of our whole Group and contributes to the sustainable future through “Creating environments for medical professionals”.

Diversifying and Complex Challenges in Healthcare industry

Highly qualified medical care provision system

Promote comprehensive community care systems

Securing home medical care and home nursing care

Work style reform

Decreasing workforce

Task-sharing, Outsourcing

Infection control measures

Infection control measures according to the function of the medical institution

Improving sustainability

Limited medical resources

Increasing social welfare spending

Promoting high value-added business operations while responding to expanding healthcare needs

Consulting × Producing
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