Dispensing Pharmacy Business(PH)

Group’s business
Operating community-based dispensing pharmacies
The Group operates dispensing pharmacies around hospitals and medical malls. The Group aims to operate dispensing pharmacies which is trusted by people in the regions in order to as many people as possible can live healthy. The Group also puts importance on adapting pharmacists and staff and their training. In addition, the Group conducts dispensing medicine at home and management by online drug guidance.

Business Features
dispensing pharmacy all over Japan
The Group operates 129 dispensing pharmacies around general hospitals as of March 31, 2024.The Group strengthens the functions of family pharmacies and pharmacists and develop community-based pharmacies due to the expansion of business accompanying with the separation of medical practice and medicine dispensation.

Operating entrusted dispensing pharmacies with putting importance on quality rather than numbers
The Group puts importance on enhancing the quality of each store including drug guidance, reception, quality control and managing risks rather than expanding the number of stores.
Providing high quality service which meets the needs of patients under the collaboration with medical institutions including hospitals and clinics. That results in being entrusted with people in regions.
The Group aims for Japan’s best in quality through stout and muscular operating of dispensing pharmacies.

Synergy effect owing to the fact that the Group is the total produce enterprise of medical environment which other competitors can’t imitate.
The all efforts of the Group including medicine, insurance, welfare, nursing care and service are the advantage which other competitors do not have. For instance, the field of dispensing medicine at facilities grows big as the result of synergy with Group companies which operate elderly homes with nursing care.
In addition, there is a big synergy effect including developing mutual knowledge by communication in Group companies which can’t realize in single company.

Our effort
Expanding dispensing pharmacies attached to clinic malls
SHIP Sendai Building
SHIP Sendai Building are combined with a residential pay nursing home with nursing care (Green Life Sendai), which capacity is 300 people, total floor space is 20,000 square meters and height is 53 meters, medical mall of six departments, a rehabilitation facility, pharmacy dispensing, nursery school and home nursing care facilities. The Building contributes to regional medicine in location of the disaster.

SHIP Senri Building
SHIP Senri Building is a large scale of complexed healthcare facility which was completed construction in 2008 as “the redevelopment project in Senri district”. Home nursing care facilities, in-home care support offices and dispensing pharmaceuticals are attached to Senri Chuo Hospital (400 beds) and Welhouse Senrichuo, elderly home with nursing care, (200 beds). The Building comprehensively provides service related to healthcare.

Promotion of dispensing medicine at home and online (The increase of numbers of patients in home and facilities/Increase of convenience by utilizing LINE application)
The Group provides management and guidance by visiting homes and online drug guidance for customers who have difficulties visiting dispensing pharmacies.
In addition, the Group tries to increase service including shorteing waiting time in dispensing pharmacies by introducing and spreading dedicated LINE application.

Main related Group companies
Operating dispensing pharmacies
Operating dispensing pharmacies
Operating dispensing pharmacies