Lifecare Business(LC)

Group’s business
Expanding nursing care facilities with know-how of building hospitals under the cooperation with medical institutions.
The Group expands Lifecare Business through opening and operating elderly homes and group homes under the forecast of super aging society in the near future which one third of Japanese will be older than 65.
The Group provides high quality and high value added service all over Japan with know-how of building hospitals under the cooperation with medical institutions. Many institutions are operating. The Group also operates power rehabilitation facilities for elderly people.
Elderly homes with nursing care
Always with relief
It is one of elderly homes and named “Daily Life Long-Term Care Admitted to a Specified Facility” which is provided in Long-Term Care Insurance Act. Inhabitants can live with relief under the environment which nursing care staff and nursing staff always reside in.

Residential pay nursing homes
Living with conformity
It is one of elderly homes. The facilities provide nursing care services from the in-home service offices which are affiliated with or located near the elderly home. Residential pay nursing homes provide comfort service for inhabitants in the rooms aligning with privacy of them under the care plans which meet demands of them.

Group homes business
Watching over
Group homes are certified as “Communal Daily Long-Term Care for a Dementia Patient” provided in Long-Term Care Insurance Act. The know-how from the system of unit care provide relief to inhabitants.

Residences for the Elderly with Services
Living with conformity
Residences for the Elderly with Services are rental housing certified and registered by prefectures in Japan. They are barrier-free and provide service of ascertainment of safety and consultation on daily life.
Inhabitants can utilize external nursing care services when they need them.

In-home service business
Accompanying daily lives
SHIP HEALTHCARE Group conducts in-home care support offices, (preventive care) home nursing care, (preventive care) home nursing, (preventive care) day-care service other than the facilities above and provides service accompanying daily lives of users.

Business Features
Elderly homes the Group provides
The Group uses the know-how of making hospitals and operates nursing care facilities, which includes large scale facilities of over 300 beds and small-scale multifunctional facilities, under the cooperation of medical institutions.
*75 facilities in Japan, total capacity of 4,753 residents (as of March 31, 2024)

*The numbers of facilities and capacity from 2023.3 include its of newly joined companies (KINGRUN GROUP, Grandic Inc..)
Lifecare Business in all over Japan

Esuperal Joto

Green Life Moriguchi

C-Hearts Koshigaya

Green Life Warabi
The advantages of the Lifecare Business of the Group
The Group operates Total Pack Produce Business, Medical Supply Business and Dispensing Pharmacy Business other than Lifecare Business. The Group provides high value added service by capability of Consulting and Producing which utilize all efforts of the Group although Japanese nursing care industry various issues including low birthrate and longevity and increasing burdens of nursing care sites.

Our effort
Green Life Sendai
Specific Residential Complex Facilities, contributing to the improvement of medicine in location of the disaster
The facility is a residential pay nursing home with nursing care and its capacity is 300 people. Its total floor space is 20,000 square meters and height is 53 meters. A medical mall with six departments, a rehabilitation facility, pharmacy dispensing and home nursing care facilities are accompanied with the facility. The facility contributes to regional medicine in location of the disaster.
Address: SHIP Sendai Building, 1-3-1, Asuto Nagamachi, Taihaku district, Sendai city, Miyagi prefecture

Welhouse Senrichuo
Elderly home with nursing care, which medical institutions adjoining
The facility is the large scale of complex facility of medicine and the first in Japan, which the hospital (400 beds) operated by a medical corporation and elderly home with nursing care (capacity of 200 people) are jointly build. There also is a pharmacy dispensing.
Address: SHIP Senri Building, 1-4-3, Higashimachi, Shinsenri, Toyonaka city, Osaka prefecture

Green Life Nakaikegami
For living with relief, safety and smile
Green Life Nakaikegami aims to operate with advantage of “satoyama”, which Japanese people recognize as spiritual hometown. The facility aims to provide comfortable space with keyword of “spiritual hometown”, “calmness”, “growing various lives”, “connection with others” and “supporting each other” in order for living with relief, safety and smile.
Address: 1-27-20, Nakaikegami, Ota district, Tokyo

Green Farm Yaotome
Employment support and support of employment of people with disabilities by hydroponics
Support for continuous employment support type B business office “Green Farm” provides hydroponics of vegetables as general labor support business for people with disabilities. The Group has five facilities including Green Farm Yaotome. (As of June 30,2024)
The facilities have one-stop tasks from cultivation to sales and build a sustainable models for supporting independence which earning income and continue business. They also contributes to the understanding of ethical consumption of general people, facilitate local production for local consumption and activate regional industry.

Business collaboration with CHARM CARE CORPORATION
Move-in promotion by approaching to various customers/Facilitating customers in various areas and targets
Accelerating opening and expanding areas of new facilities and mutual use of developing know-how of facilities by strengthening system development/Sharing and collaborating of information of facilities including healthcare related facilities
Ensuring stable adapting route by jointly conducting strengthening of ensuring and training human resource including ones from overseas/ Personnel exchange by mutual participation of education and training
Facilitating mutual utilization of merchandise and services provided/Mutual utilization of system and data related to nursing care
Main related Group companies
Operating elderly homes and group homes
Food provision for medical and welfare facilities and operating nursing care homes